Working Behind the Scenes
Well it’s been a few days since I’ve updated everyone on the site so it’s about time. We’ve been busy battling rain and all sorts of technical difficulties, the main one being that we haven’t streamed anything live and we’re working hard on post production stuff from the footage that we were able to grab.
I lift my hats of to everyone who performed on Wednesday because the rain not only held the crowds at bay but also put a damper on any technical pursuits we were on. All that aside, if nothing else, we managed to capture some of their music which we’ll be sharing. It’s that true Scottish spirit…Rain? There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing I once heard Billy Connolly say.
We got some great music and missed some
We managed to capture Scott Daniels spot and you can listen to it on our YouTube channel and we have also cut out his favourites and here’s one to listen to now. A song about a naked man in a washing machine. Daniel explains and sings his song Naked Man. Check it out.
Naked Man
From within the midst of technical chaos we rescued NASOV’s last song a beautiful chilled out song and he’s a chilled out person too.
You, me, seagulls and the sea
We managed to capture David Montez from Madrid playing some great guitar and singing in the only language a Spanish song should be sung!
David Montez
Unfortunately we didn’t manage to capture everything we wanted to and their was more of the learning curve I’ve been journeying in doing Edinburgh Fringe Live and it’s been great fun. We’ve also got some music more music waiting on the ok and we’ll be posting more as we go along. We’ve got an interview with Patrick Dennis coming up which Alex got when he grabbed a quick word with him after his gig.
Meeting People
It’s been great meeting the bands and though it’s hectic at the time, even the short chance to catch up was good. Alex was doing his best to setup interviews with the bands and you can see them as they are posted. You can catch up on all the videos we’re uploading on our YouTube channel so it’s a great time to subscribe and keep up.

Free Education
Alex has been trying to get the musicians thoughts on their music, their experiences and what, if anything, could help musicians make it in today’s music business. I’m looking forward to the end of our time this year because we’ll have such a depth of views and exploits being a musician here in Edinburgh.
Website Needed?
Dancing on Tables had travelled from Dunfermline, knowing the weather might not pan out, which it didn’t, and were not not able to play because one member was under seventeen and the management refused them entry. It was a real shame and something we do say on the sign up form is that it’s an over 18+ venue. So in the midst of everyone’s disappointment they happen to mention they needed a website, which was the least we could do to cheer them up. It’s a quick template WordPress site and it’s enough to get them up and running with it. Check it out by clicking here
We’re glad to have done that and we’ll be in touch about website workshops that we are going to help performers start to build an on-line presence. It’s something we hope to help performers by teaching them some good basic web strategies connecting their website and social media. Some simple stuff but once done it’s easy managing it all.
Doing Post Production

Post Production
One of the reasons to stream it live is the beauty of having your video and uploading all happen at the same time and the job’s done and you can have post production sleepless nights at your liesure. The good news is that post graduate Keiran Holmes is keen to get some more experience and we’re really grateful that he’s decided to get involved.

Sound Engineering
And we’re expecting Tommy Mcmullan on Saturday bringing his sound engineering expertise which has helped us no end. We’re still a little bit away from where I think we can get to as far as capturing sound goes so a big thanks for getting involved.
It’s funny that photographers are never in photo’s well we’ve got to get that sorted because Elaine O’Donnel has got involved and been taking photographs so when I see her on Friday I’ll be making sure we get a photo :-) and of course we’ll show you her shots. She’s what I would call a genial gem.
And more
Come on down to the PearTree and say hello and let us know how you’d like to get involved. We’ll be there Friday, Saturday and Sunday so come along and enjoy some music in the Beer Garden.