Deadly Serious Juggling Fire on Unicycle End at Edinburgh Fringe

Deadly Serious Performer at the Edinburgh Fringe

When I say Deadly serious I mean that’s his name and he is seriously funny even though he is close to the bone sometimes. He’s been performing for nearly 30 years now and has his own unique style which he has performed in Australia, England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Netherlands, Germany, Read more…

Human Safety Net for Juggling Fire Act at Edinburgh Fringe

Super Performing his Slack Rope Fire Juggling Act

Here we have a performance from Super, a slack rope performer juggling with fire at the Edinburgh Fringe. He has some of the audience assisting him and getting one of them to climb up on his rolling deck which was brave of her I thought. We were also joined by Read more…

Statues at the Edinburgh Fringe

Statues at the Fringe

We had fun today at the Fringe and caught some acts so here is some clips of the acts that were on the streets of Edinburgh today. As well as filming the acts we thought we would have a go at being TV presenters so check out our efforts. lol Read more…

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