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The Edinburgh Fringe has started

Edinburgh Fringe Pitches for Busking

This is where the buskers can busk in the Fringe Zone

Edinburgh Fringe in the Morning

Edinburgh Fringe on the 2nd August as it’s just about to wake up.

I got down there first thing this morning in time for the busking pitch draw. Every year, everyone who wants to busk on the streets of Edinburgh has to apply and get a performers pass. They got to put them in a bag and the first to get drawn gets the first choice of the pitches available

We had an old time Fringe fan come down for the opening and I did hear one of the Edinburgh Street Team say that it was a tradition lol I don’t know if it’s true. I got a clip of him so you can meet him for yourself on the next post and he was a right right old character.

So there was no Hangout today :-(

I was gutted when I saw that there were no hangout’s. It did inspire me to look into doing it straight to YouTube but it will mean there are no Hangout’s or they are unreliable and by next year we’ll be flying at this. Remember I have never done anything like this before so I’m learning as I go :-)

We have more acts lined up

I did manage to talk to three acts who are happy for their show’s to be video’d and we got a couple more comedian’s and a band lined up and more in the pipeline so we’re excited with what comes and what goes at the Fringe.

While you wait on today’s video here is some pictures I took (when I remembered so they are not planned or meant to be good) It’s not much but I got some video on the way so gird yer garters Fringers.

Edinburgh Fringe Pitches for Busking

So wait for the video coming soon



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