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Live at the Cabaret Vaultair 29th July 2013

Cabaret Voltair Edinburgh Fringe Venue

Cabaret Voltair Edinburgh Fringe Venue

Last night EFL were invited along to the Cabaret Vaultair to film the warm up gigs of some great acts coming up in the Fringe. Check the video here  cos I laughed and was shocked and laughed at some of the gags, observations and even points of views. Being filmed in this the first act of last nights show are Matt Finlayson, Ray Fordyce, Thomas Black.

We’ll bring you the entire gig on the run up to the Fringe so come back tomorrow for the next installment.

In the next post into our comedy will be Ross Hepburn, Kevin Duckworth and Jane Walker and finally we’ll be bringing you Gen’s interview with Elain Miller, the headliner act and voted the weirdest comedy at the Fringe. So grab your gusset and learn how to stop pishing yerself.

Rory McAlpine Introduces the night of Pandamonium

Matt Finlayson

Ray Fordyce

Thomas Black

Here is the Playlist if you want to watch it in it’s entirety

Remember to follow and like us to get the next installment

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